DANDRUFF is a very common problem indeed that of flakes falling from the scalp every time a person combs his/her hair or rubs the head. Dandruff is caused by a commonyeast cell pityresporen ovale which causes an inflammation of the scalp, making it shed flakes. Dandruff is a very common scalp problem. A morbid condition of the scalp is the emergence of dandruff which is caused by the excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands.
What causes dandruff?
Dandruff is caused by micro-organism called pityrosporum-ovle which are present in every body's scalp. Symptoms of dandruff get aggravated when exposed to dust, UV light, harsh chemical based shampoo, hair dyes etc., this results in increase in number of microbes which causes unhealthy residue over the scalp which leads to dandruff, which is the cause of unhealthy, lifeless hair and may result in excessive loss of hair too. Followings are also responsible for dandruff:-
1. Heredity
2. Lack of proper Diet
3. Environment
4. Dry or Greasy Scalp is etc.
5. Stress, anxiety and tension.