Essentially, Dry Eye Syndrome is caused by three things :
1. Reduced tear production
2. Increased tear evaporation
3. An abnormality in the production of mucus or lipids
Reduced Tear Production
Age, hormonal changes and some medical conditions (Sjogren Syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis or lupus) can cause a decrease in the production of the aqueous layer. Some medications (antihistamines, antidepressants and beta-blockers) may also cause a reduction in tear production.
Increased Tear Evaporation
Tear evaporation is often caused by a reduction in the lipid layer (which protects the aqueaous layer). If you cannot or do not blink often enough, evaporation will also increase. Notably, computer use is a cause of dry eyes because we do not blink enough when staring at the screen. This is also true when watching television or reading. Some medical conditions (Bell's Palsy) may affect the ability to blink and, hence, result in dry eyes.
Abnormalities In Mucus Or Lipid Production
One cause of increased tear evaporation is a reduction in mucus or lipid production. This is an issue in its own right as it can be caused by Blepharitis and other related conditions.
Abnormal production of mucus can result from damage to the eyes (chemical burns, etc) and will stop the tear film from being spread over the eyes. Poor lipid production is often assosicated with Blepharitis and Rosacea.
Dry eye produces discomfort and reduces vision when the tear film becomes chronically table or unavailable thereby leading to dryness of the conjunctiva and cornea. Sometimes, a person with a dry eye will have excess tears running down the cheeks, which may seem confusing. People who have Chronic Dry Eyes are diagnosed by a doctor and usually have a decrease in the amount of tear production. Many people also find their eyes become irritated when reading or working on a computer. Stopping periodically to rest and blink keeps the eyes more comfortable In addition, because these emergency tears tend to arrive too late, the eye needs to regenerate and treatment is necessary.
Dry eyes are caused by a lack of tears. A sad movie or a wedding can make your tears flow. But tears aren't produced only on those occasions. It is usually caused by a problem with the quality of the tear film that lubricates the eyes. Tears are a combination of water, for moisture; oils, for lubrication; mucus, for even spreading; and antibodies and special proteins, for resistance to infection. People with dry eyes often feel discomfort in a variety of forms. Sometimes even if the eyes are dry they may feel as though they 'water'; this is due to poorly spreading tears. When your eyes become irritated by dust or are bothered by wind, smoke or fumes, extra tears form to help wash away the foreign material. In response, the eye is flooded with tears to try to compensate for the underlying dryness. However, these tears are mostly water and do not have the lubricating qualities or the rich composition of normal tears. The eye depends on the flow of tears to provide constant moisture and lubrication to maintain vision and comfort. Dry eye syndrome is a chronic lack of sufficient lubrication and moisture in the eye.
Following are the treatments for a eczema patient:-
1. Use of creams, ointments and shower and bath oils which help to replenish the skin's natural protective oils.
2. Cream or ointment containing a steroid (topical steroid) as prescribed by doctor. These are very effective at reducing inflammation and itch.
3. In moderate to severe atopic eczema, where topical steroid treatment has not worked, your doctor may prescribe a new type of treatment to be applied to the skin (topical treatment). The preparations are made from a type of drug known as immunomodulators (calcineurin inhibitors, eg tacrolimus and pimecrolimus)
4. Antihistamines taken by mouth may be helpful in reducing the itch. Your doctor will advise.
5. If the skin becomes obviously infected, which is more likely as its normal protective surface has been damaged, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics.
6. There are a number of older fashioned remedies which are still effective and may be suggested by your doctor or specialist. For example tars, menthol.
The cause of the Eczema is unknown. Exciting causes are varied, viz., chemicals, plants, clothing, cosmetics, medicaments, infections, drugs, diet, focal sepsis etc. This is caused by direct contact between the skin and the substance, which might be adetergent, soap, diesel or engine oil, strong chemical, cleaner, etc. Eczema can also be caused by contact with substances that the body has become allergic to, called allergic contact dermatitis. This type commonly involves nickel, poison ivy, cosmetics, and rubber products. Infantile eczema often affects young babies, and is caused by moisture from drool or inflammation of the scalp (cradle cap).
Eczema is basically a skin disease typical to youth, but Eczema may occur to the people at any age. Eczema is a specific type of allergic cutaneous manifestation of antigen-antibody reaction. It is characterized by superficial inflammatory oedema of the epidermis associated with vesicle formation. Eczema is characterized by itching, scaling and burning of the skin.
Although eczema can sometimes look unpleasant, it is not contagious. With treatment the inflammation of eczema can be reduced. However, the skin will always be sensitive to flare-ups and need extra care. The term 'Eczema' is a Greek word (Ee means out, and Zeo means boil). The whole word implies 'boil out'. The Hindustani name for eczema is Chambal.
Types of Eczema (Dermatitis)
Allergic contact eczema (dermatitis): a red, itchy, weepy reaction where the skin has come into contact with a substance that the immune system recognizes as foreign, such as poison ivy or certain preservatives in creams and lotions
Contact eczema: a localized reaction that includes redness, itching, and burning where the skin has come into contact with an allergen (an allergy-causing substance) or with an irritant such as an acid, a cleaning agent, or other chemical
Dyshidrotic eczema: irritation of the skin on the palms of hands and soles of the feet characterized by clear, deep blisters that itch and burn
Neurodermatitis: scaly patches of the skin on the head, lower legs, wrists, or forearms caused by a localized itch (such as an insect bite) that become intensely irritated when scratched
Nummular eczema: coin-shaped patches of irritated skin-most common on the arms, back, buttocks, and lower legs-that may be crusted, scaling, and extremely itchy
Here is list of the methods for treating Dandruff:-
• Anti-dandruff shampoos containing the antimicrobials selenium sulphide (eg Selsun ) or zinc pyrithione are helpful for mild dandruff.
• Shampoos with coal tar (some brand names: DHS Tar, Neutrogena T/Gel, Polytar) may be used 3 times a week.
• Corticosteroid cream or lotion.
• Mix 8 tbsp. peanut oil with the juice of half a lemon. Rub the mixture into your hair, leave on for 10 minutes and then wash as usual.
• Antifungal shampoo containing ketoconazole (eg Nizoral dandruff shampoo) provides a mild, yet effective treatment for dandruff.
Home remedies for Dandruff Cure and Treatment:-
1. Oil your hair with pure warm coconut oil and apply juice of half a lemon onto the scalp.
2. Massage the scalp with almond oil and steam bathe your hair. Steam bath is taken by dipping the towel in boiling water and wrapping it around the hair, like a turban. Do not let the corners of your towel be wet, so that you can hold them. When your towel gets cold, repeat it thrice or four times; Steaming opens the scalp pores and increases the capacity of the hair to absorb oil at its roots.
3. You can also take a spoonful lemon juice, mix it with two spoonfuls vinegar and massage on the scalp. Wash your hair with an egg shampoo.
4. Take on part almond oil and pure sulphur in same quantity, mix and add 'surgical spirit' in the quantity equal to the above two. Put four parts distilled water or rose water and rub on the scalp.
DANDRUFF is a very common problem indeed that of flakes falling from the scalp every time a person combs his/her hair or rubs the head. Dandruff is caused by a commonyeast cell pityresporen ovale which causes an inflammation of the scalp, making it shed flakes. Dandruff is a very common scalp problem. A morbid condition of the scalp is the emergence of dandruff which is caused by the excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands.
What causes dandruff?
Dandruff is caused by micro-organism called pityrosporum-ovle which are present in every body's scalp. Symptoms of dandruff get aggravated when exposed to dust, UV light, harsh chemical based shampoo, hair dyes etc., this results in increase in number of microbes which causes unhealthy residue over the scalp which leads to dandruff, which is the cause of unhealthy, lifeless hair and may result in excessive loss of hair too. Followings are also responsible for dandruff:-
1. Heredity
2. Lack of proper Diet
3. Environment
4. Dry or Greasy Scalp is etc.
5. Stress, anxiety and tension.
Symptoms of Dandruff:-
Some sign and symptoms related to Dandruff are as follows:
• Skin affected by seborrhoeic dermatitis is usually red and greasy with a white or yellowish flaky scale.
• Cradle cap (seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp).
• There is sometimes itching or soreness and the scalp can feel tight.
• Scalp ringworm (tinea capitis): This highly contagious fungal infection occurs primarily in children younger than age 10.
• Psoriasis. This skin disorder causes an accumulation of dead skin cells that form thick silvery scales.
Prevent Acne Vulgaris:-
Avoid rubbing, touching, squeezing or pinching the acne blemishes. This can lead to the development of scars or dark blotches. Keeping your hands clean prevents the transfer of sweat, oil and dirt to your face when you rest your hands on your face or touch your face. Since you don't have to worry about zits growing on your palms, there is no limit to the amount of times per day you can wash your hands with soap. Washing your hands frequently and keeping them clean can prevent the unwanted transfer of oil and dirt to your face.
When engaging in sports activities that require tight clothing, pads or helmets, shower and clean your self thoroughly immediately after the activity.
Acne Vulgaris - Prevention and Treatment Tips
1. Laser surgery has been in use for some time to reduce the scars left behind by acne
2. Try not to scrub or pick at your pimples.
3. Rofecoxib was shown to improve premenstrual acne vulgaris in a placebo controlled study.
4. Chemabrasion, which uses chemicals to peel away top layers of skin.
Hormonal acne is simply acne caused by an overproduction of various hormones in your body. Your hormones regulate everything from sleep cycles, to growth cycles, to muscle growth, to fat regulation, and of course oil production in the skin. When these hormone levels become unbalanced, the result can manifest itself in many ways, one of which is acne.
Your skin's oil production is also a function regulated by hormones. When hormones become unbalanced, oil can be produced in excess, which clogs the pores, which in turn become infected resulting in a pimple.
Acne Vulgaris:-
Acne is a condition that develops in and around the hair follicles and their oil-producing glands, called the sebaceous glands, in the skin. These glands occur everywhere over the skin surface with the exception of the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. Each gland is composed of a number of epithelial cells that is continuous with the surface lining of the skin. As the skin regenerates, these epithelial cells are shed and passed out of the sebaceous glands via the gland ducts in a secretion known as sebum.
Stages of Acne:-
Types of Acne Vulgaris: In order to understand the different types and stages of acne vulgaris, the entire spectrum must be broken down into a format that's easiest to understand. The two main types of lesions are Noninflammatory and Inflammatory.
Noninflammatory lesions are called comedos and can result in whiteheads or blackheads. Whiteheads occur when trapped sebum and skin cells stay just BELOW the skin's surface. Blackheads occur when the trapped sebum barely breaks through the skin's surface. The trapped sebum oil turns black due to the exposure and should not be confused with dirt. Whiteheads and blackheads do not contact bacteria. However, pimples, (see below) do contain bacteria.
Inflammatory acne consists of pimples and zits (papules and pustules) and in worst cases, nodules and cysts. Nodules are large, painful, solid lesions that are lodged deep within the skin. Cysts also lay deep within the skin but are filled with pus instead of being solid. Both types can produce scarring.
Prevention of Acidity :-
Prevention mainly consists of avoiding the known causative factors like alcohol consumption, spicy foods, drugs like NSAID's, steroids etc. Patients with highly nervous and emotional disposition and those involved in high-stress jobs must be given psychological treatment. Avoiding non-vegetarian diets is also useful in minimizing symptoms of acidity.
Acidity Treatment and Advice
1. Eat fruits like apple, watermelon and banana
2. Avoid fried food, pickle, hot and spicy food
3. Take your meals on time
4. Drink plenty of water
5. Don’t skip your meals.
6. Avoid garlic, onion, pepper, radish and cabbage
7. Eat green and leafy vegetables
8. Take light meals that make it easy for digestive system to quickly digest the food you eat.
9. Spicy, salty and acidic should be avoided.
10. Smoking and alcohol consumption must be stopped.
Causes of Acidity :-
Due to some problems in the functioning of the digestive system
Sometimes excessive intake of alcohol also leads to acidity
Acidity also arises either by keeping stomach empty for long time or skipping breakfast
Eating foods rich in fats like chocolates also causes acidity
Pregnancy, aging or obesity can also cause acidity
The body secretes bicarbonate into the mucous layer, which neutralizes the acid. Hormone-like substances known as prostaglandins help to keep the blood vessels in the stomach dilated, ensuring adequate blood flow.
Eating junk foods, oily and spicy foods also leads to burning sensation in stomach and
Chest area and causes acidity.
Excessive exposure to sun and heat;
The primary cause of acidity is credited to inappropriate food habits of modern man.
People today hardly ever think about compatibility of food.
Excess acid secretion can also cause acidity and ulcers, when the normal protective lining of the stomach and duodenum (the part of the intestine that joins the stomach), is damaged. The resulting ulcer is called gastric ulcer if it is in the stomach and duodenal ulcer if it is in the duodenum.
Symptoms of acidity:-
1. Burning sensation or pain in the stomach after one to four hours of a meal
2. Feel hungry frequently
3. Constant pain in upper abdomen
4. Belching, nausea, bitter taste in mouth, vomiting and loss of appetite
5. Heartburn is characterized by a deeply placed, burning pain in the chest behind the sternum
(breast-bone). It occurs after meals and is precipitated by increase in intra-abdominal pressure like straining or lifting weights.
6. Dyspepsia is a burning or an aching pain in the upper abdomen, sometimes described as a stabbing sensation penetrating through the gut.
What Are the Symptoms and Causes of Acidity ?
Acidity is generally caused by an imbalance between mechanisms of the secretion of acid in the stomach, and protective mechanisms that ensure the stomach’s safety. The stomach secretes acidic fluid that helps in digestion process. But when the stomach exceeds the production of the acid by glands present within it, it results in the situation termed as acidity. Acidity is referred to hyperacidity.
Acidity refers to a set of symptoms caused by an imbalance between the acid secreting mechanism of the stomach and proximal intestine and the protective mechanisms that ensure their safety. The stomach normally secretes acid that is essential in the digestive process. This acid helps in breaking down the food during digestion. When there is excess production of acid by the gastric glands of the stomach, it results in the condition known as acidity.
In acidity, there is a movement of gastric juices (carrying acid) from the stomach into the lower esophagus (food pipe). This condition mainly arises when acidic contents in stomach (hydrochloric acid) move upward into the esophagus and making it dysfunctional.